Saturday, February 23, 2008

Valentine's Day and Memphis

Things have been soo busy lately! We had a great Valentine's Day! Everything turned out great! :)

Memphis was a lot of fun! We didn't do much Friday night because we didn't get there until almost 9, and we were both tired. Jay had never been to see the ducks at The Peabody, so we went and saw them Saturday morning. Then we rode the trolley (it was right behind our hotel on Main Street) to Sun Studio. I went with my parents a few years back, and I thought it was really cool. It is the recording studio where Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and several other musicians got their start. We went shopping in the afternoon. We had a good time...until the ride home, when we had a flat tire. We were about 45 minutes from Madison when it happened, so it wasn't too bad.

Jay is working this morning and early afternoon. I have to work the next two Saturdays, so I'm not looking forward to that, even though it feels like I got off easy this year.

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