Thursday, January 3, 2008

Back to normal

Life has returned to normal; the holiday season is officially over. Thank goodness!

I decided that this year, I am going to be more healthy. I have been cooking every night so far, and I think cooking is definitely more healthy than heating up a Lean Cuisine or going out to eat. (I'm getting my Lean Cuisine fix at the office for lunch!)

Jay and I went to work out after work tonight. It was crazy how many people were there! All of the new year resolutionists were working out, and there were even a few people checking out the gym. Fortunately I got there in time to snag some headphones so that I could watch Reba while on the elliptical :) It won't last very long...most of them slack off after a few weeks, and it will be quiet again.

When I got home, Abby leaped out to see me (as usual) and then proceeded to get sick. I don't know what is wrong with her. She is calmer than normal, and she refuses to eat. Usually I love it when she is calm, but now I am seriously worried about her. When Leigh came over last night, she was acting crazy, jumping all over the table and trying to drink out of our glasses. Her godmother had to get onto her! I hope she will be ok.

Judge Judy is on in the background...Jay records it on the DVR every day so we can watch it after work. I NEVER watched trashy judge shows until Jay, but now I watch Judge Judy with him almost every night. Its our little tradition. The unclassy people are entertaining, but I really like watching her. She is so funny and so honest!! My favorite "Judyism" is "Beauty fades; dumb is forever." We saw her interview with Larry King a few months ago, and I was surprised to see that she is very similar to her persona on television. She is very opinionated and outspoken. I agree with her line of thinking on most things.

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