Sunday, January 6, 2008

Busy weekend

I had so much fun on Saturday afternoon. We had a gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and a credit left Everyday Gourmet. I keep meaning to go in BBB during lunch as it is right by my office, but I have just not gone yet. I'm SOOOO glad that I waited. It was slightly stressful picking out what to get. Fortunately, I was chatting with Audrea on the phone and she gave me some great ideas! I got a set of 3 springform pans (like cheesecake is part of my new healthy eating plan), a stainless steel spatula (I've broken 2 plastic ones), and a new set of sturdy measuring cups. I still had a few dollars left and after considering many options, I just got a set of dish towels. Jay ruined several of mine with Old English furniture polish when he mistook them for rags. I secretly wanted a blowtorch but Jay would have made me return it. He barely lets me use a knife, saying "I don't trust with you that. You might hurt yourself." I think blowtorches fall under the category of dangerous objects. BUT, that is a great gift idea for my mom!

Then I went to the Everyday Gourmet to use my credit. I love that store! I could spend hours in there. I registered for these great glasses there in the highball, double old fashioned, and the footed iced tea glasses. I got plenty of the shorter glasses and all of the footed iced tea glasses, but I needed some more highballs. This was my second trip there in search of them and finally they ordered me some more as they only had three in stock. Apparently they are pretty popular.

I went into another store to pick up some more thank you notes, and one of the ladies recognized me as "Michelle's daughter." I love it when that happens; it always makes me smile. I consider it such a compliment because I think that my mom is gorgeous.

The weather was gorgeous this weekend! It was nice to be able to go walking. I love to walk around the neighborhood, but last week was so chilly. Fleece lined sweatpants can only keep you so warm!!!

Jay and I went to Columbia today with my parents to see my mom's side of the family. We had not had Christmas with them yet. It was nice to get to see them.

I cooked homemade pizza tonight for dinner. The crust is so easy to make, and it's healthy. I topped my little section with fresh tomatoes, and Jay had pepperoni. We were sitting at the dinner table, and Abby who has figured out how to jump up on a chair onto the table, try to jump on the table without jumping on the chair. She missed it by almost half an inch, but she still managed to pull a placemat down. I can't believe that she can jump that high now!

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